the superwomen of our lives

It might be the worst kept secret that moms are actually superheroes. 

They may not wear capes (some surely do), but moms are pretty darn strong and I think that is something that should be celebrated every day of the year. However if you're lazy like I have the tendency to be, at least do it once a year - on Mother's Day. 


I think back to my childhood and over time I've definitely grown a greater and greater appreciation for all the things my mom did for my siblings and I. From the day to day running of the household, carting us between sports, school, events, friends' houses, while also working was no easy feat. Tack on the fact that I had the ability to be a pretty stubborn, willful child with a bit of a cheeky streak and she more than had her hands full.  

My mom has lived her life largely ensuring the happiness of others. Never a dull moment and always on the move.

Which is why I'm also impressed that amongst all the things she takes on she still finds time for self-care which includes a pretty robust exercise routine and now in her 70's she continues to be a busy body with no signs or intention of slowing which is one of her superpowers. 


I look at my soon-to-be-mom wife and marvel at her strength.

This will be her final Mother's Day as not officially being a mother with our first child due in July. However, she has been a member at Proedge for years training two to three times a week as part of her routine and has not missed a step despite being into her third trimester of pregnancy. She is a Superwoman and in all aspects of life and I am looking forward to celebrating her first true Mother's Day next year.  

I have an upcoming blog post discussing the general trends of fitness and exercise amongst Canadians (spoiler alert: we aren't active enough and that includes supermoms!) but for this Mother's Day, please be sure to recognize and acknowledge the Superwoman (or women) in your life. There are a myriad of ways to celebrate on Mother's Day - cards, dinners, flowers, spa, gifts, etc. One of the ways I'll be recognizing Mother's Day is alongside my wife for a workout this weekend in which I will be strapping a watermelon to my body and getting a better understanding of what exercise with a baby on board really feels like. She is looking forward to it a lot more than I am and we'll post some social media content to share with you all.  

Thank you to all the moms out there and we wish you a Happy and Wonderful Mother's Day!

— Sean and the Proedge Team


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